Major political parties pledge that contracts for future engineering projects are awarded on a quality assessment basis

The Association of Independent Engineering and Consultancy Companies of Catalonia (ASINCA) together with associations in Andalusia, Aragon, Castille and León, and Galicia have managed to convince the four major political parties that public engineering project contracts should be awarded on a quality assessment basis rather than price. The pledge was reached through a debate lead by ASINCA Chairman, Josep Túnia. Political figures such as Celso Delgado (PP, Conservative), José Luis Cachafeiro (PSOE, Socialist), Sergio Pascual (Unidos-Podemos, left-wing), and José Luis Oliveros (Cuidadanos, centre).

Celso Delgado, from PP, indicated the opportunity allowed by a “change of Directive 24/2014 to modify the methodology for awarding contracts”. José Luis Cachafeiro (PSOE) pointed out the need for bolstering a national infrastructure plan. From Unidos-Podemos, Sergio Pascual asked that the innovation reach 2% of GDP and promote greater quality. Finally, José Luis Oliveros from Ciudadanos proposed that the “concessions should be revised at a time when engineering must become one of the strategic industries for Spain”.
The debate between these five regional associations revolved around the motto “Investment in Engineering in Spain: Thinking our future”